The twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac are not only integrated into Chinese life as ordinary animals, but their natural habits and characteristics are also endowed with rich cultural meanings and people’s bright expectations.

Through my illustrations in this series, I intend to convey to the audience the unique characteristics of each species that perhaps challenge common misconceptions about some animals. I also hope my illustrations will be enjoyable to viewers, even if they are unfamiliar with the history of the Chinese zodiac. I expect this work to be readable for audiences from all cultural backgrounds when I draw influence from traditional Chinese cultures.

Rats are seen as intelligent and strong, capable of overcoming challenges, a symbol of prosperity, and having the symbolism of not failing. If a mouse steals food from the house, it indicates that there is enough food for the family and that there are lots of rats living there, which is a sign of success. The ox is revered as a representation of perseverance and simplicity, sincerity and loyalty, bravery and s tubbornness, as well as good fortune, prosperity, and agreeable weather. People have a strong attachment to ox because of their contribution to agriculture and associate them with admirable traits like perseverance and undeserved reward.

The tiger is a symbol of bravery, while the rabbit is a symbol of prudence. To be daring and cautious, courage and caution must be tightly paired. When courage abandons caution, it turns reckless, and when courage is absent, it is timid.

The dragon is revered as a representation of honor and sanctity and is associated with good fortune, the repression of evil, and the preservation of national security. The snake is viewed as a representation of goodness, love, and beauty. It symbolizes a refusal to give in readily to adversity. The collection of serpents and dragons also represents the union of toughness and flexibility.

The horse is viewed as a representation of bravery and faithfulness. It represents progress and moving ahead. The sheep is viewed as a representation of generosity and goodwill. However, in order to move forward solidly and prevent considerable friction, the horse’s bravery must be matched with meekness.

The monkey is seen as a symbol of intelligence and freedom. The chicken is revered as a brave and combative symbol of peace. The chicken crows frequently, representing order, while the monkey demonstrates flexibility. Together, these two zodiac signs represent how order and adaptability work best together.

The dog is seen as a representation of intellect, and dependability. The pig is a representation of someone who is laid-back and unbothered by the outside world. 


xxz050826@gmail.com   (657) 335-6717   instagram:zora_xxz

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